Please note: Apartment CGI currently shown on this website are concept and the current designs are subject to change. Please have a look at the booking page for apartment images.

Please note: Apartment CGI currently shown on this website are concept and the current designs are subject to change. Please have a look at the booking page for apartment images.

Back To The Future

As seen in apartments 5,6 and 7.


Back to the Future, starting with a historical building, ending with modern design. This futuristically styled apartment invites its guests to radically experience a collision between the past and the future.

A large area of concrete wall panelling, polished plastering and terrazzo flooring are used to outline the temperament of the whole space. Instead of traditional interior decoration and modelling, we utilise ‘truth to materials’; that the material itself and the texture forms a natural decorative surface, thereby achieving the long-lasting look for this space.

The biggest advantage of these apartments are the substantial windows. The natural light penetrates and brightens up the space. Not only does it bring excellent visual comfort to the space, but it also adds an eye-catching accent.

The stairs are illuminated on the sides with white floorboards with silver trim, matching the clean look of the apartments. Upon reaching the mezzanine level, you will discover a tatami bed, and living space. Designed to maximise the usable space within the apartment, it offers a modern and fun element but PLEASE MIND YOUR HEAD.

Through traditional, modern materials and elements, and simple geometric forms, the whole ambience of the space, which is retro and modern, is harmoniously combined. A little bit of Bauhaus, a little bit of Eileen Gay, and a little bit of Futurism.

Book Or Enquire


+44 (0)151 245 9888 (10am-4pm)

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